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Helen Maynier

Share my page

Helen Maynier


Dear family and friends,


Please help raise funds to give me the gift of my lifetime - a beautiful glass photographic portrait of myself by world-renowned portrait and fashion photographer Robbie Merritt - and support the work of an incredible local charity - Cancer Support WA.


Please show your support by sponsoring my portrait.


Thank you

Helen Maynier


My Story: Helen Maynier - My Cancer Journey



 It all started in 1988 when at the age of 39 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had 2 small children aged 7 and 9, and had lost my mother a few years previously to an aggressive breast cancer when she was only 49. I immediately thought I was going to die like she did, and bravely faced a lumpectomy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


 But then I discovered the CSA and Ian Gawler who became my inspiration and model, I really believed if he could do it I could do it too. I read his books and others from this library, I went to retreats, courses and seminars, I listened to tapes, CD’s, learned to meditate, changed my diet and took on years of counselling, dream work and art therapy. I relished this new way of living and the personal and spiritual growth that it brought me, and my life has become richer and more joyous as a result.


I survived nearly 20 years in this way. Then in 2005 my younger sister suffered a malignant melanoma and I nursed her for many weeks until she died. A year later I had a malignant melanoma, and a few months after having that removed I had a new breast cancer. I had another lumpectomy and radiotherapy but refused chemotherapy this time. The Moss reports in the library were very useful in informing me that chemotherapy for my type of cancer would give me a 2% increase in survival but would probably kill me from a stroke or heart attack, so it was an easy choice to make. But that brought the need for more inner work and more changes to my life.


What stands out for me now as I look back is

Overwhelming gratitude for survivors like Ian Gawler and others

who helped me believe in my body’s ability to heal,

who taught me that healing occurs on all levels of physical, mental and spiritual, and how important it is to work through and clear the heavy load of baggage that holds us back and makes us ill.

I value the ongoing process of letting go and learning to embrace life. I am learning to let go of attachments, to know myself better, to love and forgive myself and live more fully in the present.


I now have a wonderful life, doing the work I love. I have a loving and supportive husband, 2 beautiful adult sons and daughters in law, and 3 gorgeous grandchildren. It is 25 years since my first cancer and I am less and less fearful of a recurrence as the years go by.There are new challenges every day but I feel I can handle anything that comes my way.


Thank you

Helen Maynier

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Cancer Support WA

For over 30 years, Cancer Support WA has helped and supported many thousands of Western Australians affected by cancer to achieve wellness, healing and improve their outcomes from cancer.


The money Cancer Support WA raises through fundraising enables us to provide vital free services and programs including:

  • 24 hour cancer support phone line

  • Counselling for individuals and families

  • Information packs for people newly diagnosed with cancer

  • Mentoring and grief groups

  • Cancer care packs

  • Home and hospital visits from counselling staff

  • Cancer wellness courses and seminars

  • Research, library and wellness magazine

Through your generous donation, Cancer Support WA is able to offer these services at no cost to West Australian families experiencing financial hardship due to cancer.

For more information, please visit our website.

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