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Christopher Downey
Dear family and friends.
Please help raise funds to support the work of an incredible local charity - Cancer Support WA who were of immense help to me during my battle with cancer.
You can demonstrate your practical support by sponsoring my personal story about the cancer journey, and promotional portrait taken by world-renowned portrait and fashion photographer Robbie Merritt.
My story, and a Postscript referring to the portrait, commences below.
I sincerely thank you for your generosity.
Chris Downey
My Story: "Surround Yourself with Supporters"
Early in my diagnosis I read the above advice but as you know, guys aren’t into “caring and sharing”. Especially when the possible consequences of prostate cancer are the dreaded impotence and incontinence, which we don’t want to admit to let alone talk to others about.
I quickly learnt that the cancer journey is not easy, but is heart-breakingly difficult to try without the help of others. Unable to cope with the impact and decision-making process of the diagnosis, and to be frank, actively seeking any possibility of avoiding surgery and its after effects, I sought information and support from:
* PCFA website, newsletter, and the local Support Group;
* the Wellness Seminar and library resources at Cancer Support WA.;
* advice from my naturopath about balancing Acid-v-Alkaline in my diet;
* a T.C.M. doctor specialising in cancer, who removed toxins from my system, and
inflammation from the prostate;
* staff and volunteers at Balya Centre, and Solariscare, who provided much-needed
dietary advice, and access to complementary therapies.
All these contributed to a remarkable turn-around in my health and mental well-being, and while not defeating the tumours, certainly lead me into a much better frame of mind to finally accept surgery, and the physical fitness to recover from it remarkably well.
The surgical outcome was greatly facilitated by the patient and the professional advice of several Perth and Sydney Urologists, Radiologists, Physiotherapists, and specialist nurses. Several of them later told me that my rapid, and almost complete recovery was due in no small part to the total wellness program I had adopted.
So you may be thinking what is this “Wellness” stuff ? You may think it sounds ‘airy-fairy’ at best ? Put simply, it’s about looking after your-Self, looking after You. Doesn’t everyone want to live longer, and feel better ? That’s what a Wellness approach will achieve. It’s not only about changing your diet. It’s a complete approach to physical, mental, and spiritual overhaul of your life.
Certainly the physical well-being involved changing my diet to one of balance and moderation, drastically reducing animal fats, alcohol, caffeine, processed sugar – all common sense really. Mental well-being was achieved by managing stress through meditation and exercise. Spiritual well-being is, among other things, about acceptance of the Big Question: what if I don’t beat this cancer ? As a result of my adoption of a Wellness creed, I began to sleep much better, gain energy, feel motivated, and enjoyed life in spite of cancer. People around me said how much better I looked, and that was while still carrying at least six tumours !
Medical and related advice is just one aspect to the support which every cancer patient needs. Without the understanding and empathy of one’s spouse, adult children, dear friends and colleagues, the traveller would still be isolated, especially in those times of weakness and despair. It took me some time to realise that they are also emotionally drawn into their own maelstrom of anxieties and personal challenges while on the journey with you, their loved one. One cannot underestimate the value of their love and support, continually reinforcing the quest towards a positive outcome.
Today, nearly nine months Post-Op., I’ve returned to work with full energy and drive, have travelled extensively overseas, engaged with the local community, and contributing back to the support groups with mentoring and advice. Previously I volunteered at a major hospital once per week, and I’ve re-directed that voluntary work into the cancer ward there.
So my message to the Guys reading this is: if you are given this diagnosis, treat it as a challenge to overcome: learn as much as you can about your cancer, gather the best possible advice, reach out to those who care about you, and have ONLY a positive attitude – Best wishes !
Chris Downey
“ The ring (seen on my fore-finger, at the top) was once worn by the wife of a merchant in the Nabathean kingdom of Petra (now in Jordan). It was found in the desert there and given to me by a Bedouin, and is approximately 2,000 years old. I wear it to inspire me that, while our life on earth is fragile and temporary, we will all leave behind a legacy of our time here. “
Cancer Support WA
For over 30 years, Cancer Support WA has helped and supported many thousands of Western Australians affected by cancer to achieve wellness, healing and improve their outcomes from cancer.
The money Cancer Support WA raises through fundraising enables us to provide vital free services and programs including:
24 hour cancer support phone line
Counselling for individuals and families
Information packs for people newly diagnosed with cancer
Mentoring and grief groups
Cancer care packs
Home and hospital visits from counselling staff
Cancer wellness courses and seminars
Research, library and wellness magazine
Through your generous donation, Cancer Support WA is able to offer these services at no cost to West Australian families experiencing financial hardship due to cancer.
For more information, please visit our website.