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Kay Rosen

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Kay Rosen


Dear Family and Friends


This is the second year that Cancer Support WA will be having a Photographic Exhibition.


People and families touched by cancer have been invited to be part of it.  It is a fund raising initiative. Cancer Support WA have now been in existence for 30 years funded solely by donations. They do an amazing job and have benefitted countless people. 


I agreed to be part of the exhibition this year because of the enormous benefit I have derived from attending a myriad of helpful courses, talks, events and an ongoing support group. A whole family is impacted by a cancer diagnosis and the whole family reap the flow on benefits from a participant’s wellbeing.  This is so very true for me and our family and as such I am very happy to support this initiative.


It’s not in my comfort zone to ask, however, if you or anyone you know may be willing to give a donation please know that it will go towards immensely valuable services.


Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation. During the transaction process you can select to have your donation to appear as 'anonymous' if you wish.


All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a DGR receipt via email as soon as you make a donation, which can be used at Tax time.


Cancer Support WA is hoping to raise $200,000.00. Your donation will help us reach this goal and the images will be displayed in a public exhibition in 2016. Details of the exhibition will be emailed to you closer to the date.

My story is below.



My Story



Healing with cancer is a life giving experience.


I write healing WITH cancer rather than FROM because for me the challenge and gift of the journey is healing at every level of my being…..body, mind and spirit.


I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, cancer of the bone marrow in September 2011. It showed up with multiple fractures of my spine which required hospitalisation, surgery, medication and rehabilitation. I had an excellent Specialist.  Post hospital I received huge support from my amazing husband, Barry, who continues to be an absolute blessing along with my daughters Caroline and Jessica. The ongoing love and kindness I receive from family and friends is integral to my well being.


I had and continue to have healing sessions from my dear friend and Spiritual Healer, Diane Jeffries.

She helped me understand what the cancer was about for me and assists me in the release of what I need to release for my well being.


I know this process is central to my healing and is important to me as part of my ongoing journey of wellness. Additionally I had a number of very helpful hypnotherapy sessions.


I began attending Cancer Support WA at the beginning of 2012 and have attended many of their immensely valuable courses, groups and talks,


I changed my diet radically, began meditation and visualisation, daily walks and regular Pilates.


I continue to attend the weekly Support Group which I find invaluable and also continue going to other offerings there.


I find that everything I attend there, adds to my knowledge, wellbeing and sense of support. CSWA is welcoming and nurturing and I always feel ‘held’ there in warm and inspiring connection, enjoyment and friendship.


A big awareness for me on this healing journey is where I put my focus. When I put my focus on the problem, I notice fear and anxiety. When I become aware of that, I know I need to bring myself back into alignment with the wholeness of who I truly am.


In that space, all is well.


Ways I can bring myself back into alignment are: meditation, prayer, focus on my breath, changing my thoughts, being grateful, speaking authentically with a trusted other, having a healing session, being in nature, reading something uplifting, doing something I enjoy, being with people I love, and regarding myself with loving kindness and compassion. Being with our beautiful grandchildren always brings me into the moment with great delight. They bring a smile to my heart.


This healing journey beckons me to listen deeply to my inner being, my inner voice. I need to be still and quiet to hear that voice. It guides my choices and discernment in what really matters.


It continues to be a rich journey of challenge, learnings, authenticity, letting go, faith, trust, surrender, boundaries, friendship, pleasure, gratitudes, blessings in abundance, and LOVE.


Kay Rosen


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Cancer Support WA

For over 30 years, Cancer Support WA has helped and supported many thousands of Western Australians affected by cancer to achieve wellness, healing and improve their outcomes from cancer.


The money Cancer Support WA raises through fundraising enables us to provide vital free services and programs including:

  • 24 hour cancer support phone line

  • Counselling for individuals and families

  • Information packs for people newly diagnosed with cancer

  • Mentoring and grief groups

  • Cancer care packs

  • Home and hospital visits from counselling staff

  • Cancer wellness courses and seminars

  • Research, library and wellness magazine

Through your generous donation, Cancer Support WA is able to offer these services at no cost to West Australian families experiencing financial hardship due to cancer.

For more information, please visit our website.

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