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Kate Miloro

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Kate Miloro


Dear Family and Friends, 


Please help raise funds to give me a the gift of our lifetime - a beautiful glass photographic portrait and support the work of an incredible local charity - Cancer Support WA.


Please show your support by sponsoring my portrait as featured.


Thank you,


Kate Miloro



My Story 


Setbacks, heartache and pain

But still I cannot complain

So many blessings I've been given

It's futile to dwell on those scars

When the joys outweigh them by far


Falling apart is not an option

As reading my face for emotion

Are my three little pairs of eyes

So I find that inner strength and calm

Believing I'll be sheltered from harm


My husband, children, family and friends

Keep me smiling with a love that transcends

Any fear, hurt or uncertainty.

So when the road gets bumpy and rough

I am encircled by an infinite love


Listening to my daughter sing,

My son's strength lets him swing

To reach such great heights

These are imprints on my heart

The light in my little boys face

Not even cancer can erase


I have learned to crochet with colourful wool

Each stitch I pray for a life that is full

I wish to envelope-them with warmth and gratitude

For there is never ending love in each blanket I make,

And for those who I cherish, it is a keepsake.



I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 at the age of 39.  I underwent chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and hormone therapy. The cancer was gone for a while. We decided to build a new house, planned a holiday and I went back to work as a teacher. Unfortunately in 2012 the cancer returned in my liver and bone.


My doctor, Prof. Arlene Chan and the nurses at The Mount are the most incredible people, I am always grateful to have them on my side.  I have learnt the simple things in life bring us the most joy, nature and people always amaze me. My family and friends lift my spirits daily and they help me to lead a good life despite everything. I look for the happiness in everyday and fight on!


Thank you 

Kate Miloro


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Cancer Support WA

For over 30 years, Cancer Support WA has helped and supported many thousands of Western Australians affected by cancer to achieve wellness, healing and improve their outcomes from cancer.


The money Cancer Support WA raises through fundraising enables us to provide vital free services and programs including:

  • 24 hour cancer support phone line

  • Counselling for individuals and families

  • Information packs for people newly diagnosed with cancer

  • Mentoring and grief groups

  • Cancer care packs

  • Home and hospital visits from counselling staff

  • Cancer wellness courses and seminars

  • Research, library and wellness magazine

Through your generous donation, Cancer Support WA is able to offer these services at no cost to West Australian families experiencing financial hardship due to cancer.

For more information, please visit our website.

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